Live Mesh 0.9

Live Mesh 0.9

Free Live Mesh is a file synchronization tool for Windows computers
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5

Live Mesh is a file synchronization tool for Windows computers. It is developed by Microsoft and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that their product actually worked great.
The heart of this application is its web service. At the site, you will have your own Desktop, which will hold all the files that you choose to sync. This application serves as the desktop client. It will monitor your system and check when your shared folders change.

To start using the service, you need to add a folder to the desktop. You can do that from the web interface or by simply right-clicking on a folder and choosing Add to Live Mesh. When you do that, the folder is automatically synced with all the clients connected to the Desktop and the Desktop itself.

Live Mesh is a beta application and it will soon support Mac OS X computers and mobile devices. Although the service is free, it only allows you to upload 512 megabytes worth of information. Also, Live Mesh can't really execute any files hosted on the interface, it can only prompt you to download them or execute them locally. Still, the application shows a lot of promise, and the web interface works flawlessly. Syncing is almost instantaneous and the download speeds are often good.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Nice desktop client
  • Good speed
  • Web interface works great
  • Nice sharing features


  • Limited to 512MB of storage

Comments (3)

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This is a really cool app from Microsoft. This works very smooth for me. I used this for sync my docs. This is a good one from Microsoft. Worth trying it. Yahoo

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If you guys don't know Live Mesh, i really think you should take some time and read about it. Live Mesh, is one of the next generation applications being developed by Microsoft. It's designed to make possible the sincronization of files trough many computers and devices (like smartphones) as well making those files avaiable online, on your Mesh Desktop (wich you can access with your web browser, so you don't need to install the mesh agent to get your files), where you can even see some files like pictures (Microsoft SilverLight is Required for this feature). As Mesh still on beta stage, some of it's capabilities isn't avaiable for us poor mortals today. But if really interested on this guy, you can easily find some videos on the internet where his most incredible feature is demonstrated: Mesh can "host" applications. Those applications will be sincronized trough your computers as well, so, you will have an single application avaiable to several computers (or access it using your Web Browser as well), and yes, nowsetups, everything fully sincronized. Another feature, is that you can remotely connect to any of your computers that are connected with the Mesh Client using just your web browser. Mesh is an incredible and valuable service, even now on beta stage.

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For those who never used or even heard about Mesh, i think you really should take some time to check this guy out. Live Mesh, today, is an interesting application that makes possible the sincronization of files through many computers and devices, by using an simple agent that connects on your live desktop (Mesh Desktop) or just uploading and downloading your files to/from it using a web browser. Also, with just a Web Browser, Mesh lets you remotelly connect to any of your computers currently connected through the agent. But the main feature (for me of course) is that Mesh will be the host for many applications in the near future. Soon, it will be possible to develop and access many applications through Mesh, so that applications will be avaiable to any computer where you can acess your Live Mesh.

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